Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My new addiction...

Rylee is in a parade on Saturday for Memorial Day and I wanted to get her some cute bows for her hair. Now I usually order them online from this wonderful work-at-home-mom but of course I waited until it was too late so I decided to try to make them myself last night. OH MY GOD, they are sooo fun to make!! Rylee absolutely loves them(she wore them to school today) and now wants them in every color so I ran to Michaels' this morning and stocked up on ribbon. I think this may become my new addiction for a while. Anyway, here's a few pictures of my new creations. I'm going to work on baby "gripper" bows next. I have a bunch of them for Avery that I love but if I can figure out how to make them I won't have to spend so much ordering them from New England anymore! Well, that's all for now, I'm sure I'll be posting lots of pictures with Rylee wearing her new bows!!

--------->> Here are the bows that I made this morning, the red,white and blue ones are for the parade. I got a little fancier as the morning went on and started adding centers to the other ones. Yes, I ran to Michael's TWICE this morning, I really am that addicted to this already.