Saturday, May 9, 2009


It's that time of year again, time for weekly fireworks!!!!
Our local minor league baseball team sets off fireworks after every weekend night game and this was the first weekend for it. It's only a ten minute drive from the house so we keep track of the game online, when it gets close to the end we hop in the car and drive over. I started this with Rylee last year and she loved it. Now that Avery doesn't mind the noise she gets to join us!

The girls patiently waiting in the back of daddy's car.

Watching the fireworks for the first time without climbing into my lap and covering her ears.

Fireworks picture!

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Little music lover....

Miss Avery found Rylee's old MP3 player and is totally in love with it. In fact, she sat on our bedroom floor for almost an hour yesterday while I did laundry. What's on "her" MP3 you ask?? Hannah Montana, Camp Rock,
and a few of her favorite Disney songs.

Jamming to the music!

Action shot....she's singing along to Hannah!

And so there's no hard feelings, Rylee with daddy's MP3, she has her own playlist on it.

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