Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oh Crud!

Sorry, I know I promised to get the birthday pictures up a few weeks ago but it's been a little crazy around here lately. Both of the girls are sick and it seems like they just keep passing the germs back and forth. Ugh, I hate this time of year for that reason! Anyway, on to the update. Both of the girls had their yearly check-ups a few weeks ago and everything looks great! Avery is right on track with her development and growth and Rylee is now ready for kindergarten next year. The poor girl had to get four shots and hated every minute of it! I took her to ToysRus afterwards to get her the new Hannah Montana CD so she forgave me for the shots. Their party went great, everyone had so much fun and it was nice not having to clean up like we have to when we have the party at our house. The girls got a TON of stuff as usual. Here's a few pictures from the party, enjoy them!