Wow, where should I even start? The girls had a great Christmas once again. Rylee was SO into it, Avery was in the beginning but got bored with opening presents quickly. Christmas Eve was quite a night. My family came over for dinner and we had a great time. After they left we headed over to a friends house for a Christmas Eve party. While we were there Avery bumped her head so Dale took her upstairs to get her away from everyone. I didn't think anything of it but went up to check on her anyway because she was crying pretty good. Well, she turned around and had blood streaming down her face, she had split her head open along her hairline. I took one look at it and decided that a trip to the ER would be a good idea. We quickly left for the house (we were only 5 minutes away) and as soon as we got home I loaded Avery into my car and took her to the ER while Dale got Rylee into bed so Santa could come. We were home within an hour (record time for our ER!) and Avery is now sporting a lovely super-glued head! Anyway, after that thrill was over everyone went to bed and Santa made it to our house on time. Let's see, Rylee's favorite gifts are her camera and V-Smile game, Avery loves her doll house and Old McDonald puzzle (she's playing with it right now). We got a ball pit for the girls and they absolutely love it. Avery spends most of her day just sitting in it. Now that Christmas is over we have to start planning birthdays! Sheesh, it never seems to end!