Holy crap,it's been almost two months since I updated the page, sorry about that!! For those of you that know the story, my surgery was May 21st and recovery is going pretty good so far. I'll know more once the pathology report comes back next week but my doctor is very optimistic about everything. Anyway, the girls are doing great. They have been spending most of their time with Dale since I can't move around too fast yet. This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and the weather was PERFECT!!!! We went to the local parade on Saturday morning, followed by a walk to the playground. I overdid it a bit that morning so the rest of the day was spent at home with me laying down. Sunday was a nice relaxing day. We went to Dale's parents for dinner, it was nice to get out but I was in bed by 8:30 that night. Monday it was pretty hot so we went to the local pool and the girls LOVED it. The water was only 68 degrees but they both went in and had a blast. We may join that pool but if not we are joining aonther one so most of the summer will be spent in water!! Yay!!! Tuesday was really hot and humid so the girls got to run around in the sprinkler. Avery was scared of it last year but not this year!! She took off and ran right into it as soon as I turned it on. Well, that's all for now, we'll be heading to Ocean City, NJ for our annual visit in a few weeks so look for loads of pictures then. For now here's a few pictures taken over the last month.....
A few pictures of the girls at the local playground....

Sprinkler pictures....