Wow, has it really been almost two months since I lasted blogged? I really need to get my act together!
Let's see, I guess I'll do a family update first. We're finally getting close to our big cross-country trip to Seattle. Word of advice, NEVER tell two kids about a big trip months in advance. Not a day had gone by since November without Rylee asking about it and every time Avery sees an airplane she reminds me that we are going on one. Anyway, this is by far the biggest trip we have done as a family and I'm really looking forward to it. Well, I'm looking forward to it once we are there, lol. I'm not a fan of flying and having a two hour layover in Chicago with kids doesn't exactly sound like fun but I'm sure everything will go just peachy! We did change out flight on the way back, instead of coming back through Chicago we now fly through Dallas. Not exactly "along the way" but going through Dallas will avoid a three and a half hour layover in Chicago during naptime so it works out better AND we still get back to Phila. by dinner. Other than that nothing else has really been going on. Of course we've been to a few more Royals games and we still have tickets to a few more. We had a few snowy days but nothing too big. I wanted a really good storm, the kind that drops a foot overnight, but I guess I'll have to hope for that next year now.
On to kid updates....
Rylee is doing great in school! She got her first report card and is right on track. In fact, she's even a little above where she should be for reading! They started with weekly spelling tests and
so far every test has been perfect. She signed up for two after school classes that start soon. She picked a golf class and a dance/cheerleading class. She also lost two teeth within the last two weeks AND she still has one more loose one!!
Her 6 year well-visit stats are......
height- 45 1/2 inches
weight- a solid nothing but muscle 50 pounds!! yep, she's my child :-)
Avery is turning into a little girl. It's kind of bittersweet to watch her grow so fast. She's very into fashion and will protest if you pick the wrong clothing out for her. She also likes her hair to be "so pretty" all the time. She knows every letter and their sounds and has even started to write some on them, her favorites being H and T right now. Ironically even though she's a princess she turning into quite the outdoor lover as well. We had a hard time getting her to come in on snow days and now that the weather is changing she wants to be outside all the time.
Her 3 year well-visit stats...
height- 36 1/2 inches
weight- a tiny 28 pounds
So, those are the updates for now. Hopefully the weather will warm up so we can get outside with the camera soon. For now, I'll leave you with a picture of "toothless".............