Not much going on this week. We're slowly getting into the new school schedule. Rylee loves school so far and doesn't understand why she can't go on the weekends. She also started swimming lessons again. Obviously she knows how to swim but she's now in the advanced class that teaches stroke technique along with basic lifesaving skills. I've decided to not put her in age group swimming this winter. I don't want her getting frustrated (it's very competitive) and honestly I'm not ready to sit through four hour long swim meets yet! I remember those Saturday morning and they are sooooo long for the entire family. That's another reason why I put her back into lessons, it will keep her in the water until swim team starts next summer.
Miss Avery has been going great as usual. She's turned into quite the little fashion diva. I have her pile of winter clothing sitting next to her dresser waiting for the cooler weather to get here. She spends hours just sitting there trying everything on. She will now tell me that she wants a "pretty dress" on and if I pick an outfit out that she doesn't want to wear she gets mad.
We took the girls to their first Wilson football game last week and they loved it! We fully expected them to only last until half-time but they spent the entire game in the stands cheering.
We only took one break and that was for snacks and the potty, lol! Rylee is just getting into the whole school spirit thing so she thought it was pretty cool.
Here's a picture from the game, it was taken with a cell phone so the quality stinks but you get the idea!