I found this somewhere and sadly, I understand all of this and have actually done most of it.
You might be a swimmer...
>If whenever you hear an electronic beep, and you instinctively jump, you might be a swimmer.
>If you have rings around your eyes unrelated to the amount of sleep you got, you might be a swimmer.
>If waking up before dawn to exercise seems normal, you might be a swimmer. (You might also be crazy)
>If jamming a piece of Styrofoam between your legs is not a kinky sexual activity, you might be a swimmer.
>If bugs die of chlorine poisoning when they land on your skin, you might be a swimmer.
>If you sport long, curling hair with split ends on your legs, you might be a swimmer.
>If the phrase "This set with fins" is better than hearing "You just won $1000," you might be a swimmer.
>If you answer, "I don't need to" when someone asks when you showered last, you might be a swimmer.
>If you love a good lightning storm when you have outdoor practice, you might be a swimmer. [hahahaha so so so true]
>When you learn how to squirt water 15 different ways, you might be a swimmer.
>When your long term goal is to slap your bicep on your lat, you might be a swimmer.
> When you wake up before six for the free doughnuts, you might be a swimmer.
>When you go through so much latex in one season you could wallpaper your room, you might be a swimmer.
>If a friend asks how a certain guy dresses and you reply, "I only see him without his clothes on" you might be a swimmer. [SPEEDOS!!!]
>If your friends have stopped asking you about your plans for the evenings, you might be a swimmer.
>If you go from store to store desperately trying to find your favorite sports drink, you might be a swimmer.
>If the first place you go when you're stressed out is a swimming pool, you might be a swimmer.
>If among your heroes are Janet, Jenny, or Amanda, or you know who I'm talking about, you might be a swimmer.
>If your daily apparel is held together by knots or is torn and see through, you might be a swimmer.
>If you have an inhaler in every color of the rainbow, you might be a swimmer.
>If the phrase, "50 double armed backstroke with a breast stroke kick¡± makes you happier than anything, you might be a swimmer.
>If being fish-like is a compliment, you might be a swimmer.
>If your friends don't even call you anymore because they know that you have no time to do anything, you might be a swimmer.
>If your nightmares consist of a series of numbers ending in 0 or 5, you might be a swimmer.
>If you have hickeys on your neck, you might be a swimmer or you might be lucky.
>If you sweat chlorine even after showering, you might be a swimmer.
>If you just don't understand the charm of the swim suit edition, you might be a swimmer.
>If getting smacked on the butt doesn't bother you at all, you might be a swimmer.
>If someone asks if you have any siblings and you start listing teammates, you might be a swimmer.
>If you cut yourself every time you shave, because you only do it 3 or 4 times a year and are out of practice, you might be a female swimmer.
> If you are determined, strong, smart and tough, you might be a swimmer.
And to add one last one... if your fingers are stained red from eating powdered Jello
every Saturday morning at the meets you might be an age-group swimmer.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
You might be a swimmer...
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Hersheypark Pics.

On the Fun Slide with Avery...
All aboard!
My tiny little girl, what a princess!
On her first "big girl" coaster, Trailblazer
Before the ride started, Avery didn't look so good after it was over!
Yeah, she looks "Hersheypark happy"!!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Another sick child...
When it rains it pours in this house and today we have another sick child to deal with. Rylee started to complain of a headache last night but I thought it was just from the paint fumes that got into the house (Dale was spray painting right outside the door). Well, this morning she woke up with her head still hurting, her belly upset and a fever of 102. She's such an active child so when she gets sick she really feels it. She camped out on the couch this morning watching The Bee Movie and now she's taking a bath to "wash the germs away".
Hersheypark was so much fun! The weather was perfect and the lines were not bad at all! It was a little chilly for the waterpark but that didn't stop Rylee from splashing around for a while. Avery went on her first "big girl" rollercoaster and liked it. I'll post the pictures later this week.
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Another little swimmer in the family....
Miss Avery has a new talent, swimming! The summer started off with her being very clingy in the water and now she's a little fish! Her new thing, diving off the bottom step of the pool and swimming underwater to me a few feet away. She's so cute, she keeps her eyes open and kicks her little feet until she reaches me. I took her into the deep end yesterday to see how she would do and she dove right off the wall into 6 feet of water and swam to me, I was about five feet away. I didn't expect this to happen so of course the camera was at home, hopefully I'll get some good pictures of her soon.
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
One of the best things about living in Pa. is the summer produce and we are taking full advantage of it this year! We headed out to the local orchard this past weekend to pick
peaches for the first time. The peaches are on top of this huge hill so we got a great
view of the entire peach orchard and the apple orchard as well. The girls loved being able to
eat the peaches right off the tree. That reminded me of when I used to have my own peach tree. I loved waking up in the morning, stepping outside and picking my breakfast right
from the trees. Sadly, the tree overproduced one year and the branches split so my dad had to cut the tree down. Anyway, after we were done in the orchard we stopped at the playground before heading home for lunch.
**Disclaimer** Not sure what's going in with this post and why it's putting so many spaces in.
I tried to fix it, I can't, oh well!!
At the playground and still eating!
Look Ma, I can do it too!!
On the rock climbing wall.
We'll be heading out to Hersheypark for a mini vacation on Thursday so look for lots of fun pictures next week!!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 8:58 PM 0 comments