A word to the wise.... When staying overnight near Hersheypark DO NOT stay at the Red Carpet Inn and Suites in Palmyra. Ugh, it was nasty, the room stank like an old cabin, there was dirt under the beds and the air conditioner was leaking so bad that the carpet was wet under it. We made the mistake of booking online without really researching it much and we have learned our lesson! I didn't expect it to be anything like the Hershey Hotel but come on, I expected them to at least clean the popcorn up from under the beds! As promised, here are a few pictures from our mini vacation!
At Chocolate World...

Meet Mr. Hershey Bar!

On the Fun Slide with Avery...
All aboard!
My tiny little girl, what a princess!
On her first "big girl" coaster, Trailblazer
Before the ride started, Avery didn't look so good after it was over!
Yeah, she looks "Hersheypark happy"!!
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