Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Another little swimmer in the family....

Miss Avery has a new talent, swimming! The summer started off with her being very clingy in the water and now she's a little fish! Her new thing, diving off the bottom step of the pool and swimming underwater to me a few feet away. She's so cute, she keeps her eyes open and kicks her little feet until she reaches me. I took her into the deep end yesterday to see how she would do and she dove right off the wall into 6 feet of water and swam to me, I was about five feet away. I didn't expect this to happen so of course the camera was at home, hopefully I'll get some good pictures of her soon.


Kristine said...

WTG, Avery!! Rylee can "swim" the length of the pool with her vest on...she's so proud, lol!