Avery found this "waterfall" and just had to get her picture with it.
The Adventures Of Rylee And Avery
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 12:01 PM 0 comments
And so we don't forget about Miss Rylee.....here's a picture of her working hard on her homework. Some days I wonder how I ever got an education without a computer....it's basically mandatory these days starting in kindergarten.
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 11:58 AM 0 comments
To the anonymous person that keeps leaving links in my comment section........please stop!!! No I am not interested in making money, getting free stuff, linking my blog, etc. I can and will delete your comments.
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 12:37 PM 1 comments
In her snow fort....no tunnels allowed in this house.
Miss Avery, poor thing, she couldn't even walk in the snow!
Who needs a sled when you have snow pants!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 12:09 PM 1 comments
The Pagoda.....the shops inside were closed, boo!
Check out the new specs!
She wanted a picture alone...
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 2:27 PM 5 comments
Chilling between races having some lunch.
And with with her first trophies...daddy is putting a trophy shelf in her room...I have a feeling we will need it!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 7:56 PM 4 comments
They had no idea that Santa go ahold of some Zhu Zhu Pets for them!!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 7:55 PM 0 comments
My, I mean Rylee's, new addiction....if anyone knows how to beat the final castle LET ME KNOW!!!
Great Nanny and Great poppop with the great grand kids.
Gran and poppop (my parents) with the kids...
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Dancing the night away.......
Mommy and the girls
Daddy and Rylee
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 8:28 PM 2 comments
Assuming the position
Trick or treat gang 2009. This is right before we started our candy walk, and right before the rain came. Yes, we kept going under umbrellas, nothing stops us from chocolate!!!
At my moms house with Bailey and Ethan...
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 7:47 PM 0 comments
So last week when I made apple dumplings my Greek neighbor, Albert, happened to stop over and I sent him home with an apple dumpling. He had never had one and showed up at our door an hour later with stars in his eyes asking me how I make them and what kind of apples I use. Fast forward to yesterday..... about 1:00pm the doorbell goes off and it's Albert with a case, yes a case, of 100 Granny Smith apples! He owns a local diner and asked his vendor to get him a case. I was shocked! He didn't want money for them and his only request is that I teach the girls how to make apple dumplings one day. Soooo, guess what I'm doing today? I pulled out my largest crock pot and filled it with apples for sauce and I have a double batch of apple crisp cooking away in the oven. He's never had apple crisp either so I'll be sending a batch over to him later. So now I only have 50 apples in my fridge, lol. Hmmm, I wonder what I'll make tomorrow!
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 1:05 PM 1 comments
With Scott Langdon, one of last years returning players
With Rob LaLonde, another returning player.
Posted by The Wenzel Family at 8:15 PM 2 comments