Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Pagoda and Rylee's new specs.

The girls have been asking about the Pagoda ever since they spotted it on top of Mt. Penn one night so we decided to take them up to see it. What is the Pagoda you ask??? Well, I always thought it was a gift from another country but apparently it's not?!?!? Anyway, here's the correct information on it, some of it is very interesting!
They actually still flash the lights every Christmas Eve to warn all of the children that Santa has been spotted and is on his way, a cool trick for parents who need to get their kids to bed! Every other night of the year it glows red thanks to the new LED lights that surround it. So anyway, here are the pictures from this morning. You'll also notice that Rylee has a new fashion accessory. Yes, she got glasses. They came in this morning and we just HAD to rush right over to pick them up. She absolutely loves them and wants to wear them all the time. I give her a week before the thrill wears off.
Daddy and the girls looking out over the "ever so safe" city of Reading.

The Pagoda.....the shops inside were closed, boo!

Check out the new specs!

She wanted a picture alone...

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Gluten FREE foods ROCK said...

It's been years since I visited. I will have to take my kids this spring

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