Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Congrats Lynsee and Marc!

I'm sure most of you know that my sister went to Hawaii in January and married Marc. They had a reception last Saturday and everyone had a great time. The girls were on the dance floor most of the night and Rylee actually slept in until 7:30 the next morning so she must have been tired!! Rylee started swimming lessons this week once again. She is too "advanced" for her age group so they put her in the 6-7 year old class, go figure, she has my swimming blood in her! We are just waiting for the warmer weather to come. Last week we had a couple of days that were in the 60's followed by a snow storm the next day, lovely, huh! Well, it's my favorite time of day, naptime, so I better go get the girls ready. I hope everyone is doing well. I'll update again soon.