Well, it has finally happened, one of the girls needed stitches and it wasn't who we thought would be first! I really thought Rylee would break a bone with how wild she can be but Avery beat her to the emergency room. Avery has now learned that the couch is NOT for jumping and the coffee table isn't made of rubber. Yesterday morning the girls were playing in the living room while I was cutting veggies for a salad. The plan was to finish the salad, get a shower and then spend the rest of the morning at the museum followed by lunch at Wendy's. I was in the kitchen and heard a thump (not uncommon in this house) followed by Avery crying and Rylee screaming "Blood, blood everywhere!". I ran into the living room to find Avery covered in blood with it dripping onto the carpet. I grabbed her and tried to clean her up but she was bleeding too bad so I called Dale at work, he made it home in ten minutes and I grabbed Avery and headed for the emergency room. Needless to say, three stitches later she is all better. I ran out last night and got her some cool Elmo band-aids, I figured if she has to keep it covered for the rest of the week she might as well look cute! Anyway, the stitches come out on Friday as long as everything looks good.
Well, that's our update for now, we never did get to the museum, hopefully we'll get there next week!

Aw, the poor thing! I'm sure between our three little dare-devils, we have many more stitches, bumps, and bruises to look forward to! By the way, could you let me know how to take care of stitches...in Spanish?! LOL! Take it easy and give the girls hugs from us!
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