I decided to take Miss Avery blueberry picking this morning while Rylee was at school. This was something new to me so I had no idea what to expect. Thank God I had sneakers on both of us because we had to walk way out into the orchard and the grass was still wet from the storm last night. All the way out Avery kept saying "I don't likea blueberries". (Yes the "a" is there for a reason, she adds an "a" on the end of some words). Well, her opinion changed as soon as she had her first fresh picked blueberry. I think she ate more than what she put into the bucket and she's been eating them ever since we got home. I have a feeling that I'm going to have a massive diaper mess to clean up later. I also have a feeling that Rylee will want to go later this week once she gets home and gets a taste. That's okay though because we already ate most of the berries picked this morning.

Working hard
Who needs a bucket when you have an empty belly to fill!
How cute is she?
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