Hey everyone, I hope you had a great weekend! Rylee FINALLY has a loose tooth. When she was at the dentist in June he told us that her two front teeth were "slightly loose". Well, I could only tell when I really pushed on them so I just kind of blew it off. Rylee woke up Saturday morning and came running into the room telling me to check her tooth. It's as loose as it can be without falling out! So, as I'm checking it I notice that her gums behind it are all white. I was just about to yell at her for poor brushing habits when I realized that the "white stuff" is actually the new tooth that's already through! She's been complaining about her teeth hurting lately and I figured that's what it was but I didn't think the teeth were that close to popping up. Soooooo, keep checking back because I have a feeling that the tooth will be gone by the end of the week. Luckily she had her school pictures taken last Friday so we won't have a "toothless picture".
Let's see..... Friday night we went to the football game (see pic below), Saturday we went mini golfing and then I worked that night. Today was my usual Sunday morning grocery shopping trip followed by a lazy day around the house. Rylee helped me make a pumpkin pie and we had that for dessert tonight. Not much going on this week, school for Rylee, play for Avery, work for Dale and laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. for me! Hopefully I'll have a picture of Rylee missing her first tooth. What is the going rate for a first lost tooth these days anyway??

Woohoo! Wonder how much the tooth fairy is paying these days ;-)
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