Not much going on this week. We went to the football game last Friday and we'll probably go again this Friday as long as the weather looks okay. Wilson is in the play-offs now so the games are finally getting good. Other than that we've been keeping busy with indoor projects. The weather is getting colder by the day so our outside time is limited. I've officially started my Christmas shopping. Usually I'm almost done by this time but the economy has slowed me down a bit this year. I guess I better get my butt in gear though, Christmas will be here soon!
Anyway, here are a few pictures to make you smile......
A random picture of the girls this morning while waiting for Rylee's bus.........
Wednesdays are gym day, Rylee's favorite "subject", lol!
My mother-in-law sent this bag of marshmallows home with the girls last night. I put it next to my Kitchen-Aid so you can appreciate the size of the bag, lol! That being said, anyone have a good recipe that includes marshmallows??? Don't worry, Rice Crispy treats are on the list already!
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