We have a birthday in the house today!! As of 3:59am Miss Avery is now 3!!! Wow, these past years went so fast!! It seems like it was just yesterday that I found out about her being on the way. I woke up on a Monday morning and realized that I was late so Rylee and I hopped into the car and ran to Giant for a pregnancy test. On the way home "Daughters" by John Mayer was on the radio. I remember thinking well so much for that test, this song must be a sign that we're about to have another baby and our second girl. To this day that song reminds me of that morning. I went home took the test and called Dale right away with the results. I think morning sickness kicked in as soon as I hung the phone up, lol!! The first few months were pretty stressful. I was sent for monthly ultrasounds for the first five months to check my cervical length because of my cervix being so scarred from previous surgeries. I was told that if at any time they weren't happy with the ultrasound results I would have to have a cerclage put it, which is here they go in and literally stitch the cervix shut. Everything went so smooth and before I knew it I was due with baby girl #2!! I was induced two days before my due date because I had shoulder dystocia with Rylee and an ultrasound estimated Avery to be getting close to Rylee's birth weight. Dale and I went into the hospital bright and early on Wednesday January 11th expecting this to be a smooth, easy, fast labor just like with Rylee. Boy were we wrong!!! I got checked in, hooked up and then the resident came in with the cytotec tablet. Crap, that hurt so bad and he had NO idea what he was doing!! We sat around for a few hours and watched as the monitor started to track my contractions. My OB came in around noon and checked me, I was 4cm. The contractions kept coming so I walked the halls hoping to speed things up. Around 6:00 my OB came back to check me, I was still 4cm. CRAP!! She broke my water and told me"this will speed things up for you". Yeah right!! She came back at 11:00, checked me and reported my progress, which was NOTHING!! I couldn't understand why I was having contractions but they weren't doing anything. She explained that because my cervix was so scarred it just wasn't able to open. So, we were told to hang out for the night, baby was fine so there was no need to rush things. At this point I was frustrated and tired so I got the epidural thinking that I would sleep a few hours and then be woken up for a C-section. The epidural never worked because apparently there was a kink in the line and as they were trying to find it they pulled it out of my back. At that exact moment my cervix decided to give in and open. I have never felt such pain in my life!! I'm still shocked that I didn't break the bed rails because I had a death grip on them. The nurses came flying in, checked me, called my OB and broke the bed down within a matter of minutes. After 15 minutes of hard pushing little Avery came into the world weighing 7lbs 9oz., exactly what she was estimated to be. No shoulder dystocia, I didn't tear, and she was perfect. What more could we ask for. She was and continues to be such an easy going little girl. She's our little princess girly girl who loves getting her hair done and her nails painted. She's the one that completed our family and we're so happy to have her here! Happy 3rd birthday Avery!!

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